5 Tips for Winter Road Safety from CAA and AG+R


When winter weather gets particularly ugly, driving in severe cold and snowy conditions can be both frightening and dangerous.

These extreme winter weather conditions pose unique challenges and safety risks for most Canadian drivers. To help Canadians prepare for winter driving, the Canadian Automobile Association partnered with Transport Canada to create a brochure listing the top five winter driving safety tips drivers need to know.

The goal is to help Canadian motorists prevent problems before they occur. The brochure, called “You, Your Vehicle and Winter Driving,” ย is a handy guide that includes information about how Canadians can make their vehicles winter-ready, how to prepare for and drive in bad weather, and what to pack in a winter survival kit. The downloadable guide is full of helpful safety tips, and can be printed out and kept in your glovebox. However, we’ve got a very brief summary of the five tips here: Continue reading 5 Tips for Winter Road Safety from CAA and AG+R