Ontario Tire & Auto Service Centre Community News

The following news articles feature many of the community initiatives Active Green + Ross has been involved with in the past.

Community center 55 food / toy drive
Centro Communication-Andy Kim Christmas Show
St. Anthony Feast Dinner Dance
Shining Through Centre
Vaughan Viking Baseball Fundraiser
St. Margaret Mary Church - Dinner Dance Gala
Knights of Columbus - Clergy Appreciation Evening
Celano Canadian Club - Alpini Di Mississauga Dinner Dance
Holy Angels Annual Garage Sale
Toronto Argonauts Alumnai Association - 16th Annual Golf fun day
Mothers Day Luncheon
Toronto Ribfest - Meeting
Holy Angels School - Spring Dance
Famee Furlane
Cameron Helps - Father's Day 5km
Parkview Hills Community Association - 24th Annual Picnic
Consolata Missionaries - Fashion Show and Luncheon
Immaculate Conception Parish - Charity Golf Tournament
The Country Club - Annual Veterans Golf Day
Villa Colombo ladies Auxillary - 25th Annual Golf Tournament
Toronto Police 22 Division - Bowling for Bursaries
STORE 84 - Celena Cancer Fundraiser
Rotary Club - Pickering Ribfest
Ted Woloshyn - Charity Golf of Classic
CitiMotive - Awards Banquet
22 Division Toronto Police Service - Open House & BBQ
Knights of Columbus - Seminar
Huron Park Seniors Club - Annual Picnic
Famee Furlane - Golf Classic
Knights of Columbus - Special Olympics Baseball Tournament
The 28th Annual Maroon Open
Concord West Ratepayers Association - Annual Picnic
Etobicoke Sports Hall of Fame
Robert F. Hall - 13th Annual Alumni Teachers - Students Golf
Holy Angels - Festa di Maria
Huron Park Seniors Club - Annual Picnic
Summer Fest 2014
St. Andrew Bessette Parish BBQ
Oshawa Italian Club- Annual Picnic
Rotary Club - Peace park opening
Rotary club of Woodbridge
Rotary Club of Scarborough Ribfest
Vineto Centre (IC Savings)
Our Lady of the Scapular - Golf Tournament
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Toronto Paddle Royale
CIBC Charity Golf Classic
2nd Annual Toreno di Golf Roseto
Portofino Soccer Club
Holy Angels Annual Fun Fair and Silent Auction
Toronto Sun - Sheena's place
Alternatives- 13th Annual Charity Golf Classic
St. Peter & Paul Parish - 12th Annual in Honour of St. Padre Pio
JDRF - 3d Annual Starlight Soiree Fundraiser
Toronto Eagles - Dinner and Dance Fundraiser
Rotary Etobicoke


The University of Toronto is creating a Student Training Fund in Otoscopy in partnership with OtoSim Inc., thanks to a $200,000 donation led by Ralph Chiodo, founder of Active Green + Ross.

Otoscopy, the diagnostic examination of the ear, is one of the most poorly acquired medical skills in students because traditional methods of study rely on lectures and print material. Using the OtoSim™ simulation unit allows students to interactively improve otoscopy skills before they reach the clinic.

Knights of Columbus - Sheppard's Trust Golf Tournament

Alternatives - Annual Golf classic Tournament

Toronto Sun Golf Tournament - Sheena's Place

Holy Angels School - Fall fun fair

Italian Walk of Fame

Mens Sana- Annual Dinner

Toronto Police Amateur Athletic Association

Hospice Vaughan - Thanksgiving 2012 Gala

CIBPA Ladies Auxiliary

Villa Mediterraneo - The Snowflake Dance

Federazione Pugliesi in Ontario

Nexxice Gala

Holy Angels Church - Fundraiser

OLGC Staff Fundraiser in support of United Way

Ringette Canada - U19 World Championship

Alzheimer Society of Peel - Annual Walk

St. Margaret Mary Church - St. Valentines Dinner & Dance

Knights of Columbus - Community BBQ

Knights of Columbus - Clergy Appreciation Night

Autism Fundraiser

Toronto Argonauts - 15th Annual Golf Tournament

Alderwood Action After School- Sports Fund

Crime Stoppers Toronto


Mothers Day Dinner Dance- Huron Park

Knights of Columbus - State Convention

The Country Club- Annual Veterans Golf Day

Villa Colombo - Ladies Auxillary 24th Annual Golf Tournament

Immaculate Conception Parish - Charity Golf Tournament

Cardiac Health - Walk for Life

Abilities Center- 1st Birthday Celebration

Rotary Club of Ajax / Pickering - Ribfest

CITI MOTIVE - Awards Night

Ted Woloshyn - Golf Tournament

Parkview Hills Community Association- 23rd Annual Picnic

IC Savings- Portuguese Weekend Festival

Holy Angels / Share Life Dinner

CIBPA - Piazza Italia

MICBA - Golf tournament

Famee Furlane - Annual Golf Tournament

Robert F.Hall - 12th Annual Alumni Teacher/Student Golf

IC Savings- Film Festival

Knighs of Columbus

Huron Park Senior Club

Concord West Ratepayers Association - Annual Community Picnic

Holy Angels Festa Del Madonna

Huron Park Senior Club

Kahuna- Ride for sick kids

The young giants - Free the Children

Mississauga Italian Festival

IC Savings- Woodbridge Festival

Rotary Club of Woodbridge - Ribfest

Rotary Club of Scarborough - Ribfest

CIBC Charity Golf Tournament

Toronto East General Hospital - Danforth Dash Bed Race

Ontario Soccer Association- Kick 4 Cancer

St. Margaret Mary Church- Annual Community Summer Fiesta

The Shepards Trust - Annual Charity Golf Classic

Portofino Soccer Club- Golf Tournament

Canadian Hearing Society-7th Annual Golf Tournament

Ontario SPCA- Cash for Critters Motorcycle Run

Arizona Bar and Grill - Golf Tournament

Alternatives - Golf Classic

Sickkids Foundation - Mangia! For the cure

Holy Angels Catholic School - Fall Fair

Toronto Sun - Sheena's place Golf Tournament

CIBPA - Golf Tournament

Hospice Vaughan - Giving Thanks 2013 Gala

Springs Canada- Sick Kids Drive

G&K Uniforms - United Way Drive by Employees

Smiles of Innocence Fundraiser Sick Kids Hospital

Mens Sana- Fundraiser

The Community Living Mississauga Tribute Dinner was held last night at Le Treport Wedding and Convention Centre. Ralph Chiodo was honoured at the event.
Mar 09, 2012

Ralph Chiodo was the big cheese at last night's 28th annual Community Living Mississauga (CLM) tribute dinner. But it was his good friend Joe Falcone who bought the big cheese.

Chiodo, owner of Peel Chrysler car dealership in Mississauga and founder of more than 70 Active Green + Ross auto repair shops locations across Ontario, was in the spotlight last night as CLM hosted its annual gala fundraiser at Le Treport Wedding and Convention Centre on The Queensway.

Falcone, who sat at the head table with his good friend Chiodo, shelled out $2,000 for 40 kilograms of Parmesan during a fundraising auction in support of CLM, the charitable organization that provides support to more than 1,700 people with intellectual disabilities and their families in Mississauga.

"Ralph Chiodo is a game-changer," said Falcone, a businessman in Etobicoke. During his toast to Chiodo, Falcone cited the incredible work his friend has done raising money and awareness for good causes.

More than 400 people attended this year's gala. Proceeds will be used to pay for summer youth programs for which there is no government funding.

Chiodo said he was glad to help raise funds for CLM summer programs.

"I don't need to be honoured," he said. "But CLM does such great work in our community, I'm glad to be here."
The theme for his tribute at Le Treport was "Made in Canada — the Italian Way."

Chiodo might well reverse that description for himself. He was made in Italy, and came to Canada as a young — and poor — man in 1957. He found opportunity in Canada.

As successful as he's been in business, Chiodo makes it clear family comes first and giving back to the community is a top priority for him.

Over the years he's raised more than $1 million at Pasta Festa, for Trillium Health Centre and donated $300,000 to COSTI, an organization that helps new immigrants. He has also been a supporter of Pier One Museum in Halifax, where immigrants including him and his wife were processed upon arrival in Canada.

Chiodo has also been active on the municipal stage, helping organize the Rotary Ribfest Canada Day picnic in Centennial Park on the Etobicoke/Mississauga border, and making sure his proud heritage is celebrated at the Italian pavilion during the annual Carassauga multicultural festival.

That Italian heritage flavoured the entire tribute evening. Italian musicians greeted arriving guests, the meal and wine were Italian and world-famous tenor Michael Burgess sang for the audience.

The head table guests included Vaughn MP and Associate Minister of National Defence Julian Fantino.
A highlight of the evening was a speech delivered by Alexander De Nicolais. The 19-year-old CLM client talked about how important the organization's summer programs were to him.

"This program means a lot to me," he said, recounting how the program introduced him to zip-lining and go-karting and helped himself a summer job at a sporting goods store. His sincerity and eloquence drew a standing ovation.

COSTI’s newly renovated downtown building will now be known as The Ralph Chiodo Family Immigrant Reception Centre. The edifice at 100 Lippincott Street was built 90 years ago, and for the past 22 years has offered temporary shelter to over 15,000 refugees. The building is being re-named today after the well-known Calabrian entrepreneur, Ralph Chiodo, president of Active Green & Ross and head of Peel Chrysler Fiat, who donated $300,000 towards renovations. The project, costing $3 million, was completed thanks to contributions by the federal and provincial governments, each donating $1 million to COSTI. The remaining $1 million comes from fundraising by several entities in the private sector such as Fausto Gaudio’s Banca Italiana IC Savings.

130 people gathered in front of the historic building for the ribbon cutting. Also present were Don Meredith, and Charles Souse, the Ontario Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.

“This is a big day for us. We’ve been waiting many years to renovate the centre which has been in operation for 22 years,” affirms Mario Calla, executive director of COSTI. “It was in bad condition recently. The federal and provincial governments came to the rescue, as well as, obviously, the great contribution by Ralph Chiodo and his family, and the support of IC Savings. Today it’s a safe and comfortable centre for refugees who come to us directly from the airport. It’s their first home, so we want it to be the best possible.”

The structure offers a fundamental service for those arriving to Canada with refugee status.

“This structure has 42 bedrooms and can accommodate 100 persons,” comments Yasmine Dossal, social services director for COSTI. “Refugees remain here about 10 to 15 days, we help find them a stable arrangement, as well as offer them food and assistance. We receive about 850 people a year. It took us about a year to renovate the building. We’re happy and proud of these accommodations. Anyone coming here has the right to get the best assistance possible.”

Chiodo is involved almost full time in the social services sector – with Pasta Festa for example, a charity event he organizes annually that has raised over one million dollars for the Trillium Health Centre in Mississauga over seven years. The Calabrian entrepreneur explains the reason for his contribution to COSTI.

“The Honourable Frank Iacobucci (former Supreme Court judge, and member of COSTI’s administrative council) asked me to make a donation for this important building, and I couldn’t come short. COSTI represents immigrants and I’m an immigrant. Years ago I found myself having to go to school to obtain a work permit and COSTI was ready to help me. Then, I didn’t need to do that course, but either way I’m still grateful.”

As of today, the Reception Centre is named after him – a name that will forever remain in the community’s history.

“I received much in my life, and this is the right opportunity to give back a bit of my fortune to the community,” Chiodo continues. “There are many generous people in this magnificent country who deserve it. I left Italy with an empty cardboard suitcase, then I had some good luck and now the moment has come to pay back.” Chiodo admits to having gained much satisfaction from his life related to social services, and COSTI is one of these. “I had the fortune of being part of the organization of Pier 21, which has become a national museum. Then came COSTI, which gives me great pleasure, and I hope to be able to continue to help these people.”